of drdr.xp Blog drdrxp @weibo.com

jobq.py -- Queue processing engine

jobq.py processes serial of input elements with several functions concurrently and sequentially.

Check out on github: jobq.


import jobq

def add1( args ):
    return args + 1

def multi2( args ):
    return args * 2

def printarg( args ):
    print args

jobq.run( [ 0, 1, 2 ], [ add1, printarg ] )
# > 1
# > 2
# > 3

jobq.run( ( 0, 1, 2 ), [ add1, multi2, printarg ] )
# > 2
# > 4
# > 6

Specifing number of threads for each job:

# Job 'multi2' uses 1 thread.
# This is the same as the above example.
jobq.run( range( 3 ), [ add1, (multi2, 1), printarg ] )
# > 2
# > 4
# > 6

Multiple threads with order kept:

# keep_order=True to force to keep order even with concurrently running.
jobq.run( range( 3 ), [ add1, (multi2, 2), printarg ],
          keep_order=True )
# > 2
# > 4
# > 6

Specifying total timeout:

# timeout=0.5 specifies that it runs at most 0.5 second.
jobq.run( range( 3 ), [ add1, (multi2, 2), printarg ],
          timeout=0.5 )

Returning jobq.EmptyRst prevents jobq from delivering result to next job:

def drop_even_number( i ):
    if i % 2 == 0:
        return jobq.EmptyRst
        return i

jobq.run( range( 10 ), [ drop_even_number, printarg ] )
# > 1
# > 3
# > 5
# > 7
# > 9

Check out on github: jobq.
